Mom at home scientist

Ecology of my motherhood; analyzed, frugal, and (mostly) natural.

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Grain-free, Gluten-free Stromboli

Stromboli done well- grain-free

Stromboli done well- grain-free

So… it has been awhile since my last post, but let me tell you, I have only been up to good! Ha! Well, and morning sickness did put a dent in my activities after harvest season. So, as a juicy little starter, I want to share a great creation using my delicious tapioca cheese bread recipe that the sexy chemist, my hubby, came up with. You don’t need a degree to pull this one off though. Grain-free Stromboli… uhm… YUM!


Cheesy, grain-free delicious pepperoni Stromboli

Cheesy, grain-free delicious pepperoni Stromboli

As you can see, my little minion agrees…


Approved Stromboli!

Approved Stromboli!

First, start out by making one batch of cheese bread dough. The recipe is here.

Now, instead of creating rolls, you want to roll the dough out, into a rectangle, until it is a little thicker than pie crust… roughly 1/2cm. We end up using from ½ to ¾ of the cheese bread. Traditionally, people use a rolling pin but I like to use a wine bottle, as that is what I have on hand. I think it is easiest to roll the dough off of your surface if you put wax or parchment paper under it first. If you would like to mimic the cornmeal that is typically spread under a pizza crust, we roughly blended some buckwheat grits until it reached the desired size, and used that instead.

Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F.

After getting your dough rolled out, we layered mozzarella cheese, cheddar cheese, pepperoni sausage, and mushrooms on all but the top 2 inches of the long side of our rectangle. This is really the step where you customize your pizza to your tastes, so use the ingredients you choose!

At this point, you want to gently start to roll up your Stromboli, starting with the bottom, long-side of your rectangle, until you use the whole dough. I prefer to finish the rolling on the cookie sheet or jelly-roll pan I plan on cooking it on. The longer you work the dough, the warmer it gets, the more fragile and hard-to-work-with it becomes.

Now you need to pinch the dough, along the final long edge, somewhat to get it to seal to the layer below it. You may have some tears along your dough surface, don’t worry about it because now you don’t need to put a few slits on top. If your roll is perfect, congrats and you can put a few decorative slits along the top where you want them!

Be sure to switch your oven to bake mode.

Bake for roughly 30-40 min. or until it looks nicely brown to you. This time can really vary by oven and the thickness of your Stromboli.

While my bread is cooking, I like to make my own pizza sauce to dip my Stromboli in. You could buy this, or use spaghetti sauce even, but I prefer my homemade recipe anyways.

Enjoy the wonderful grain-free goodness that you have just created!

Stromboli finished

Stromboli finished